Skirmish on Yavin Station

The skirmish on Yavin Station took place on the Yavin Station in 3956 BBY when Trandoshan pirates invaded the station to settle their score with the Rodian scavenger Suvam Tan. The Jedi Padawan Revan returned to the station for the third and final time on his mission and in conversation with Tan was forced to battle the pirates who cloaked themselves in order to reach Tan undetected. But the confrontation was swift and saw the pirates defeated which saved Tan's life in the process.


The former Rodian slave Suvam Tan assumed residence in the Yavin Station located above the gas giant Yavin Prime in order to use it for his scavenging operations. Tan traveled often to Yavin 4 where he would scavenge whatever he could find that could prove to be useful and would then trade the salvage to Trandoshan pirates or smugglers that would pass through. Tan provided them with the salvage in exchange for food and supplies so as to keep the station running. Tan also did business on occasion with the Exchange crime lord Davik Kang while Kang's death on Taris prompted the Trandoshan presence to grow agitated sensing a power vacuum that made their actions grow bolder.

The Jedi Padawan (and former Sith Lord) Revan traveled to the station sometime after he left Dantooine (upon completing his re-training) when he found coordinates to the station in the navicomputer on the Ebon Hawk (the ship he stole from Kang following the latter's death). He arrived on the station and met with Tan (who learnt about Kang's death) while Revan returned a second time around the time he learnt about his Sith past. It was on his second visit that he interrupted Trandoshan pirates threatening and intimidating Tan who accused him of holding out on them in terms of their arrangement and that the pirates wanted to change the deal. But Revan intervened and forced the Trandoshans to leave who vowed that their business was Tan was not concluded.

The skirmish

Revan returned to the space station after he departed from Korriban and when he docked went to meet with Tan. But their conversation was short-lived as the Trandoshan pirates revealed themselves and said that their cloaking devices enabled them to board the station and reach Tan undetected. Revan failed to negotiate a peaceful end to the tense situation and was forced to defeat all the pirates when the pirates attacked. This saved Tan from further Trandoshan interference in his operations.


Revan's actions saved Tan who in turn offered to sell Revan two rare items: the Mantle of the Force and the Heart of the Guardian.

Behind the scenes

The scenes that take place aboard the Yavin Station make their appearance in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic as an optional travel location that can be visited at any time after leaving Dantooine but before exploring Rakata Prime. This can be sidestepped and the player can choose whether or not to visit the station at all.



