Skirmish on Spindrift

It was aimed at destroying the defenses of the Empire's Spindrift Station and retrieving route coordinates for a massive Imperial fleet that were kept in the outpost.

Spindrift Station was caught completely unprepared, having merely been trained to repel attacks by Rebel ships. Four Rebel-controlled TIE/LN starfighters were let in through the base's defenses and proceeded with razing the entire facility, from their communications hub to their main defense battery. Believing the attack to be an Imperial reprisal from Darth Vader for regulation violations, the Imperial major in command of the outpost quickly offered his surrender.

As devastating as the attack was, the base personnel suffered few casualties and all remaining staff were taken aboard a troop transport as POWs.

A coded cartograph module containing the wanted coordinates was retrieved from the ruins and with the mission successfully accomplished, the Rebels left Spindrift Station to burn to the ground.




