Skirmish at Red Ronto

At some point prior, Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa Solo, were contacted by Lando Calrissian, who asked to see the pair about a problem he was experiencing with pirates. He asked they go to the Red Ronto Cantina and wait for him there. After a while, the Solo's were met by an asteroid tug pilot named Omad Kaeg, who said he was sent by Lando to be their transport and explained to them the situation. However, as they were preparing to leave, Omad was confronted by the Mandalorian Scarn, his partner Jakal, and a group of Nargon created by the brothers, Marvid Qreph and Craitheus Qreph. Scarn asked Kaeg about the maker he owed in a Sabacc game. However, Han was able to figure out Scarn cheated using a Cybernetic eye. Informing Kaeg, they asked to inspect the eye. Scarn let them, but Han was able to figure out it wasn't the eye used at the match. Finding out from Kaeg that he was cheated out of 10,000 credits to Scarn before the marker was signed. Angered, Kaeg started a firefight. The Solo's helped Kaeg fight of the Nargon, who killed Scarn and Jakal, and were able to kill several before escaping.






