Skirmish at Mak Luunim's apartment

The Skirmish on Mak Luunim's apartment was an event that occurred in 0 ABY between six Imperial Stormtroopers and the Rebel group comprised of Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and assassin X-7.

The Rebels went to Mak Luunim's apartment in search of the Muun. They were greeted by employee, who informed the Rebels that his master has recently passed away. While they questioned the employee, six stormtroopers appeared behind the Rebels and blocked the room's only exit. The Stormtroopers tried to detain the Rebels but Solo and X-7 launched a surprise attack on the stormtroopers, culminating into a blaster shootout in the room. The Rebels were able to shoot down three of the stormtroopers before making their escape without any casualties.



