Skar (Sith)

During the Battle of Corellia in 3640 BBY Thanaton removed the commander of the 115th stationed at the Islands Outpost and had Skar replace him. After Thanaton's rival Kallig defeated Skar as part of the Kaggath, Skar agreed to tell Thanaton's plan. He then informed his Master's rival that Thanaton intended to destroy the fuel refinery for Kallig's fleet. When Thanaton fled a duel with Kallig in presence of multiple Sith and Imperials, Skar informed Kallig that Thanaton was headed for Korriban to enlist the assistance of the Dark Council.


During the Battle of Corellia in 3640 BBY Thanaton removed the commander of the 115th stationed at the Islands Outpost and had Skar replace him. After Thanaton's rival Kallig defeated Skar as part of the Kaggath, Skar agreed to tell Thanaton's plan. He then informed his Master's rival that Thanaton intended to destroy the fuel refinery for Kallig's fleet. When Thanaton fled a duel with Kallig in presence of multiple Sith and Imperials, Skar informed Kallig that Thanaton was headed for Korriban to enlist the assistance of the Dark Council.



