Sixty-Eighth Infantry

The Sixty-Eighth Infantry, nicknamed Fisheye Company, was an aquatic division of rebel troopers in the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. The unit crossed paths with the 61st Mobile Infantry at some point by 3 ABY.

That year, news came out of a coordinated distraction for the forces of the Galactic Empire by a number of other rebel groups. Sometime after hearing of this, Maximian Ajax, a sergeant in the 61st, asked First Sergeant Hazram Namir if there was any news on Fisheye Company. Namir, having not heard from Fisheye for months or learned of the coordinated distraction effort, was confused as to why Ajax had brought the company up and so the latter filled him in. Namir told Ajax that he would ask Captain Micha Evon about Fisheye Company, confident that the captain would be willing to share any news concerning the division.

The Sixty-Eighth Infantry was mentioned in Alexander Freed's 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company.

Behind the scenes

The Sixty-Eighth Infantry was mentioned in Alexander Freed's 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company.






