
Sinded was a terrestrial astronomical object located in the Sinded system of the D'Aelgoth sector, a part of the Western Reaches portion of the Mid Rim. By 7 ABY, New Republic General Crix Masst was present on Sinded. While there, the assassin Morteos wired a bomb into the repulsorlift generator of Masst's personal speeder, which resulted in the death of the general. When Morteos attempted to escape Sinded aboard his modified freighter, Y-wing starfighters on patrol opened fire, nearly shooting the assassin's vessel down. Morteos was ultimately able to escape, however. New Republic General Airen Cracken later mentioned the assassination on Sinded in an entry of the datafile Wanted by Cracken dedicated to Morteos.

Sinded was first mentioned in the 1993 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement Wanted by Cracken, which was written by Louis J. Prosperi for West End Games. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Sinded system, and therefore the celestial body, in grid square L-17.

Behind the scenes

Sinded was first mentioned in the 1993 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement Wanted by Cracken, which was written by Louis J. Prosperi for West End Games. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Sinded system, and therefore the celestial body, in grid square L-17.

