Silencer (superweapon)


The megalaser of the Silencer project

The megalaser of the Silencer project

The Silencer was built upon the frame of a Harrower-class dreadnought. The middle trough down the center of the ship, usually used as the main corridor for entry and exit of ships on the dual hangar bays, was adapted to make way for the Megalaser mechanism. Both hangars installations were removed, and the Megalaser apparatus was installed in the middle of the ship.

The sides of the gap upon which the Megalaser fired were modified to withstand it and direct its path. Upon firing of the Megalaser burst, the trough had a residual electrical field visible down its length for a short time.


The Silencer

The Silencer

Using the Sun Razer, the Sith Empire was able to complete its creation in years instead of decades. All the projects fueled by the Sun Razer were overseen by Darth Mekhis and discovered by Theron Shan and Jedi Master Ngani Zho upon their infiltration and capture in the Vesla system. Fearing the possibility that the Republic might soon arrive with reinforcements, Mekhis ordered the ships with hyperdrives to leave the system.

By 3641 BBY, during the Cold War, Darth Thanaton canceled the Silencer project, as he was a staunch believer in the superiority of the Force over any new technology. However, Moff Valion Pyron contacted Thanaton's rival, Lord Kallig, about the Silencer and stated that using it could win valuable allies within the Imperial Military. The last piece required was a CN-12 chip being held by a group of cyborgs called the Veil on Nar Shaddaa.

After acquiring the CN-12, Pyron managed to finish the Silencer megalaser and mounted it on the Imperial warship Doombringer. Lord Kallig was then able to use the superweapon against a small Republic fleet, completely annihilating it. This had the effect of rallying Pyron and other Moffs to the Inquisitor's cause, which gave the rival Sith Lord the backing to seriously challenge Thanaton. Kallig also instructed Pyron to ensure that their allies got a Silencer for their own flagships.

The Silencer megalaser fires.

The Silencer megalaser fires.

As the Galactic War progressed, the Republic began to adapt both strategically and technologically against the Silencers in battle. Pyron's technicians proposed to increase the Silencers' radiation output at the cost of killing their own gunners, but Pyron deferred to Darth Nox for a decision.

When the Eternal Empire invaded the galaxy, most of the Silencers were lost in the initial fighting. The remaining equipped vessels disappeared in the Outer Rim and were believed to have been ambushed by the Eternal Fleet, though no wreckage was found.

During the third Galactic War, the Silencers were deployed against the Republic once more, with many used during the Meridian Complex assault.















