Shootout at Club Lao Che


Around 19 BBY to 18 BBY, the Bad Batch was sent by Ciddarin Scaleback to loot a crashed transport. The ship was completely offline and Tech suggested that he separate to get the powers back on while the others continued. The clones went into the hull to investigate further, they soon found out that the ship had a big facility filled with Kaminoan technology used for cloning. As the clones continued to investigate, Wrecker touched an unknown viscus substance to which he responded in disgust. Another similar unknown substance slowly fell from the top of the facility, the clones carefully pointed their flashlight up and revealed that an adolescent Zillo Beast had escaped and caused the crash of the transport.


The squad managed to flee the club and went into hyperspace. While onboard, Phee Genoa concerned over Omega for not having friends around her own age. The pirate told Hunter and Tech that Omega needed a friend around her age and didn't share the same genetic profile, the conversation was cut shortly by a transmission from Ciddarin Scaleback. In the transmission, Scaleback said that the clones had not been in contact with her for twenty rotations. The transmission continued with a threat from Scaleback about her knowledge about the clones.

After watching the transmission, Genoa told the clones that Scaleback is a useful ally, but the not someone to cross. The pirate asked if the clones had any plans, Hunter replied that she's looking at it. Genoa told the clones that they are coming with her and gave Tech the coordinates.



