Shinbone blade

Shinbone blade first appeared in Bounty Hunters 3, a comic written by Ethan Sacks, illustrated by Paolo Villanelli, and published by Marvel Comics on June 24, 2020. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Shinbone was the homeworld of Beilert Valance developed by Jason Fry for The Hunt Within: Valance's Tale. Shinbone was the town where Liberty Valance from the classic John Ford western The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance lived.

Behind the scenes

Shinbone blade first appeared in Bounty Hunters 3, a comic written by Ethan Sacks, illustrated by Paolo Villanelli, and published by Marvel Comics on June 24, 2020. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Shinbone was the homeworld of Beilert Valance developed by Jason Fry for The Hunt Within: Valance's Tale. Shinbone was the town where Liberty Valance from the classic John Ford western The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance lived.



