Shella Motti


Shella Motti was part of the Motti family, an influental Human clan centralized on Phelarion, in the Seswenna sector of the Outer Rim Territories. She was a cousin of then-Commander Conan Antonio Motti, and the niece of Thalassa Tarkin, nee Motti, who had married the governor Wilhuff Tarkin. At an unknown point during the early Imperial Period, Motti was kidnapped by agents of a criminal organization known as the Nebula Front, and Tarkin hired several beings to rescue her. Though the Nebula Front's hideout was located and Shella found, she surprised her would-be rescuers by refusing to return to her family. Worse, she had already hired a second team of agents to prevent her return, led by a bounty hunter that Tarkin's hired men had already crossed paths with.

Behind the scenes

Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds does not say if Shella Motti was ever returned to her family.


  • Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
