Serja Kesselrook

Serja Kesselrook was a Human male vagabond drifter that lived in an underground community on the planet Patch-4. A refugee who had had his home taken from him by the Galactic Empire, Kesselrook found a tight-knit community of other "hoboes" on Patch-4, only for his new home to fall under threat by a giant watchbeast called Ceasar. In 3 ABY, Kesselrook aided Rebel leaders Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywalker in calming Ceasar and claiming cargo on the world.


A Human male, Serja Kesselrook was rendered a refugee by Imperial actions during the Galactic Civil War that took his home from him. With nowhere to go, Kesselrook became one of a number of beings who got by stowing away on freighters, wandering the galaxy in search for a new place to settle. Eventually he found his way to the garbage planet of Patch-4, joining a large community of so-called "hoboes" that began to build a tight-knit community on the stinking world. Kesselrook settled in well on Patch-4, only for the hoboes' lives to be thrown in turmoil by the arrival of offworld weapons dealer Orion Ferret, who began storing wares on Patch-4 and unleashed his personal watchbeast Ceasar to protect his investments. The watchbeast terrorized Kesselrook's community, driving them underground.

Although the hoboes worked out that the beast could be controlled by a sonic pacifier Ferret had access to, they had little means of acquiring it until 3 ABY, with the arrival of two Rebel leaders—Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian—who had worked out a starfighter deal with Ferret. Betrayed by Ferret and left at the mercy of Ceasar, the Rebels stumbled upon the underground hobo community, where they received an enthusiastic greeting from Kesselrook. Kesselrook informed Skywalker and Calrissian of the existence of the pacifier, allowing the Rebels to calm the beast down and claim their cargo. Skywalker and Calrissian then turned the device over to Kesselrook and the hoboes, giving them back their world.

Personality and traits

A large, gregarious and affectionate man who spoke Basic with a thick accent, Serja Kesselrook reveled in the community he had found among his fellow "hoboes" on Patch-4. And although physical confrontation was not his strong suit, Kesselrook provided valuable support to Calrissian and Skywalker during their battle with Ceasar, leading to the hoboes' salvation.

Behind the scenes

Serja Kesselrook appeared in Star Wars 59, written by David Michelinie and illustrated by Walter Simonson, and released in 1982.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



