Separatist Coalition

The Separatist Coalition was an organization active by 5 BBY, during the reign of the Galactic Empire, which Chandrilan Imperial Senator Mon Mothma was a part of and attended meetings of. In that year, the Empire had grown suspicious of Mothma's activities and supplanted individuals she regularly encountered with Imperial spies to uncover her dealings.

To that end, though many others still believed her to be just an irritation due to her fights against Imperial overreach and for Separatist sympathizers, Imperial Grand Vizier Mas Amedda began infiltrating the coalition's meetings. Aware of the Empire's spying and wanting it so they would miss her machinations, Mothma revealed the Vizier's infiltrations to Chandrilan banker Tay Kolma, whom she had sought to recruit as well as gain help from to regain access to her family accounts used to fund a secret network of anti-Imperial individuals.

The Separatist Coalition was mentioned in "Announcement," the seventh episode in the Andor television series' first season, released on Disney+ on October 19, 2022.

Behind the scenes

The Separatist Coalition was mentioned in "Announcement," the seventh episode in the Andor television series' first season, released on Disney+ on October 19, 2022.



