
Selch was a Falleen Nihil marauder and a follower of General Abediah Viess who was known for her brutality. However, due to increasing losses among Viess's people, Selch was convinced by Nihil Minister of Information and Galactic Republic senator Ghirra Starros's beliefs that there could be another way for the organization. In 228 BBY, Selch discreetly approached Starros on the planet Hetzal to inform her that many others agreed with the senator's thoughts.


The Falleen Selch was a member of the Nihil marauders during the High Republic Era. By 229 BBY, Selch had become a favored disciple of General Abediah Viess, leader of the Nihil's Ministry of Protection. In that year, the day prior to the anniversary of the Nihil's destruction of the Galactic Republic's Starlight Beacon space station, Selch was present in the Nihil's base on the planet Hetzal, within the raiders' Occlusion Zone territory. The Falleen was one of many Nihil who attended a celebration presided over by the Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro.

Selch was swayed by the beliefs of Ghirra Starros (pictured), discreetly speaking to the senator on Hetzal.

Selch was swayed by the beliefs of Ghirra Starros (pictured), discreetly speaking to the senator on Hetzal.

Ro soon interrupted the festivities by playing audio of a speech made by Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh to the Galactic Senate, promising to ensure the Nihil would not mark the occasion with an attack. The gathered Nihil remained silent, unsure how to react, until Ro stood and mocked Soh's promises, after which the raiders laughed and cheered. Selch hooted loudly before turning and smiling to Ghirra Starros, a Republic senator who had allied with the Nihil as their Minister of Information.

Selch was later present on Hetzal in 228 BBY, after the captive reporter Rhil Dairo escaped the planet with the help of the Jedi Masters Avar Kriss and Porter Engle. After Starros suggested that Ro should allow their escape, believing that the action could be a bargaining tool to grant the Nihil political power toward obtaining legitimacy in the Senate, Ro dismissed the idea, instead rallying the marauders against the Jedi. When Starros departed, Selch discreetly approached her, leaning in and disclosing that she and many others agreed with the senator's opinion, having been enlightened to a different approach as a result of the increasing deaths among Viess's people. The Falleen then continued on her way, leaving Starros ecstatic that her beliefs were being heard.

Personality and traits

A follower of the Nihil's General Viess, Selch was the recipient of repeated praise for her tenacity and brutality. However, the Falleen was convinced by Starros's thoughts that there was another way for the Nihil due to the deaths under Viess's leadership. When telling Starros that many Nihil agreed with her, Selch was atypically serious, standing close to the senator before momentarily peering into her eyes for emphasis. Selch was tall and willowy, possessing dark skin.

Behind the scenes

Selch appeared in the 2023 novel The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness, written by George Mann as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative's Phase III.






