Sela Trune

Joining the New Republic

Sela Trune was born on the planet Yungbrii. Eager to serve the New Republic's Security Bureau, she left Yungbrii, leaving behind her mother, father, and brother Gaithel. Less than a month into her service, she received a call from a New Republic officer, who told her that her entire family had been killed during a battle between the New Republic and the Spicer Runners of Kijimi. The spice runners, including the Klatooinian Vigilch, had fled to the Trune family farm where they took her family hostage and eventually killed them before stealing a ship and escaping. Trune would begin to move up the ranks of the New Republic Security Bureau, intent on scoring vengeance against the Spice Runners of Kijimi. Her quick advancement saw her work with colleagues much older than she. Creating a large connection of informants, spies, and more, Trune hoped to learn about the Spice Runners, intent on taking them down.


  • Star Wars: Timelines






