Security Act amendment

The amendment to the Security Act was a piece of legislation passed by the Galactic Senate by a wide margin the day after the Battle of Coruscant.

It nominally transferred command of the Jedi High Council from the Senate directly to the Supreme Chancellor, thus providing him with the Constitutional authority to disband the Jedi Order. It also removed Jedi and Senatorial oversight of the Republic's military, placing the Supreme Chancellor in direct command and naming him Supreme Commander of the Republic Armed Forces.

It was written by Palpatine but given to a loyal senator to introduce, in order to maintain the façade of the Senate forcing power on him against his will.


It nominally transferred command of the Jedi High Council from the Senate directly to the Supreme Chancellor, thus providing him with the Constitutional authority to disband the Jedi Order. It also removed Jedi and Senatorial oversight of the Republic's military, placing the Supreme Chancellor in direct command and naming him Supreme Commander of the Republic Armed Forces.

It was written by Palpatine but given to a loyal senator to introduce, in order to maintain the façade of the Senate forcing power on him against his will.






