Secrets of Star Wars 07

Secrets of Star Wars 07 was a feature on Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club that showed artist sketches and renditions of possible scenes, characters, or objects that may appear in the future of Star Wars. It began on May 10, 2006 with the image "Force Repulse." It culminated on December 20, 2006 with the image "Running the Trench". Most of the sketches eventually turned out to be the concept artwork for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game, which was originally slated to be released in 2007, but was later pushed back to 2008. summary

2007 may mark the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars, but the biggest Star Wars entertainment event of the year won't be found on the big screen. Hyperspace members catch this exclusive first look at the next major addition to the Star Wars

Archived images

  • : Though a work in progress, this backdrop is complete enough to contain a lot of action and excitement.
  • : Botany fans, rejoice... these adventures allow you to really get into Felucian plant life [sic].
  • : Black is the new red.
  • : This souped up transport has the mode to fit the mission.
  • : Despite hazard signs cautioning about the dangers of heavy gas processing equipment, you just know an action scene is going to find its way into here.
  • : The times may be dark, but the neon distractions help a bit.
  • : A vessel of intriguing design touches down on a wholly natural landing pad on the overgrown plains of Felucia.
  • : Occasionally, moral dilemmas are this clear cut.
  • : There's plenty of bargains to be had, but show up early; the good stuff gets picked over quickly.
  • : As hobbies go, this one's hardly Jedi Code-approved.
  • : These Jawas have used their innate mechanical skills to truly trick out their treaded ride.
  • : An uncertain era produces a number of specialized Imperial forces.
  • : Some droids can't help being so grabby.
  • : Some think them no more than mindless animals, but it clear that they know, respect and fear death.
  • : An assortment of head designs to determine the look of what promises to be a memorable droid character.
  • : Sometimes, you can never have enough manpower to surround a Jedi.
  • : "It was a storm... there was no other word to describe it. It was like a sick joke, since we were supposed to be the stormtroopers..."
  • : These location studies show unfamiliar angles of a familiar home world.
  • : The skies of Felucia are much safer now under the vigilant eyes of the Galactic Empire.
  • : Some things are best left in the past.
  • : Reports of some demises turned out to be inaccurate...
  • : A galaxy awaits the next storm...
  • : Only different in your mind, my young apprentice...
  • : Not exactly a scenic spot that would make its way into a galactic travel brochure.
  • : There's more of the Wookiee home world waiting to be explored.
  • : On a world where much comes to vanish, a lone figure stands up to be noticed.
  • : Imperial and Wookiee forces collide on Kashyyyk.
  • : The skies of this historically tranquil planet are once again filled with gigantic warships.
  • : Durasteel walls and marble pillars are no match for the power of the Force.
  • : The first concept image from the biggest Star Wars entertainment event of 2007.

