Second mission to the third moon of Concord Dawn


In 3 BBY, Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus, and the astromech droid Chopper kidnapped Fenn Rau, the leader of the Mandalorian Protectors, after he attacked a rebel delegation in the Concord Dawn system. Rau ordered the Protectors to allow the rebels safe passage through the system in return for keeping his captivity a secret. Rau was treated well by his rebel captors and eventually came to interact with Sabine, who tried to win him over to the rebellion.

On Mandalore, the ruling Viceroy Gar Saxon and his Mandalorian super commandos collaborated with the Galactic Empire. They believed that the Empire would make Mandalore great again and had an acrimonious relationship with the Protectors of Concord Dawn. After learning that the Protectors were allowing rebel ships to use the system as a thorough-way to avoid Imperial sector patrols, Saxon and his followers attacked the Protectors Camp on the third moon of Concord Dawn. They slaughtered everyone at the camp but failed to find Rau, who was their primary target.

After losing contact with the Protectors, Hera Syndulla and the rebel commander Jun Sato summoned Rau and Sabine for a briefing. While Sato and other rebels leaders believed that the Protectors were trying to lure them into a trap, Rau suspected that something had befallen his followers and asked permission to investigate. Hera agreed but sent Sabine, Ezra Bridger, and Chopper to keep an eye on him. The rebels and Rau traveled to the Concord Dawn system in the repurposed Sheathipede-class shuttle Phantom II.

The mission

Imperial Super Commandos arrive.

Imperial Super Commandos arrive.

A scene of desolation

During the journey to Concord Dawn, Fenn Rau managed to break free of his restraints and stunned Sabine and Ezra. After cuffing them, he departed the ship and went to the site of the Protectors' camp. There, he discovered that another Mandalorian faction had murdered his followers and burnt several buildings. Chopper managed to free Sabine and Ezra. Together, they found Fenn, who was despondent over the loss of his comrades. Following a brief argument between Fenn and Sabine, Chopper picked up a signal.

The rebels were attacked by an Imperial probe droid but Sabine managed to destroy it. Before they could leave aboard the Phantom II, a column of Imperial super commandos led by Gar Saxon arrived. The rebels fled among the complex but Saxon and his men managed to capture Chopper and Ezra. Sabine and Fenn managed to escape and find a safe vantage point from where they could observe the enemy force.


Meanwhile, Gar Saxon interrogated Ezra and Chopper. Ezra tried to claim that he was a scavenger but Saxon disbelieved the boy and forced him to cooperate by threatening to shoot Chopper. Despite Ezra's attempts to mislead Saxon, the Viceroy managed to force the boy to reveal that Fenn Rau had sent him. Elsewhere, Sabine and Fenn debated the merits of rescuing Ezra and Chopper. Sabine was adamant on rescuing her friends and managed to convinced Fenn to retrieve the Phantom II in order to keep the ship out of Imperial hands. Sabine feared that the Empire would learn the location of the Phoenix rebel base. Due to his hatred for Saxon, Fenn agreed to a truce with Sabine.

Back in the hut, Saxon discovered that Ezra was a Jedi after he managed to deflect Saxon's blasts from Chopper. Sabine managed to rescue her comrades by using smoke grenades to disorientate Saxon and his guards. The rebels then tried to escape aboard the Phoenix II only to find that Fenn had stolen the ship. Saxon and his super commandos then surrounded the rebels and confronted Sabine. Out of respect for Sabine's mother, he offered to spare Sabine's life if she helped them find Fenn and pledged her allegiance to Saxon. Sabine refused and got Chopper to activate Frequency 337 on her helmet, which temporarily disoriented Saxon and his men out.

Escaping Gar Saxon

Chopper activated his rocket boosters while Sabine and Ezra shared a jetpack. The three rebels fled into a canyon but were pursued by Saxon's Mandalorian super commandos. Ezra managed to use his lightsaber to damage the jetpack of one of their pursuers, knocking him out of the pursuit. Sabine then used several grenades to block the path of the super commandos. Saxon and his remaining men caught up with the rebels. At one point, Ezra was forced to ride on Chopper. Meanwhile, Sabine managed to shoot another Mandalorian super commando and blow up his jetpack.

After a perilous pursuit, the rebels reached Gar Saxon's starship, which lay at the top of the plateau. The rebels planned to steal it and flee offworld. However, Saxon and his remaining super commando caught up with them and managed to disarm Sabine. Before they could execute the rebels, Rau experienced a change of heart and returned in the Phantom II. Fenn managed to shoot the remaining super commando and blow up Fenn's ship. This allowed Ezra and Chopper to flee aboard. Following a struggle, Sabine managed to fight off Saxon and flee aboard the Phantom II.


As a result of the second mission to Concord Dawn, the rebellion learned that the Protectors of Concord Dawn had been killed by Imperial super commandos led by Viceroy Saxon. Sabine's efforts to save Ezra and Chopper despite them not being Mandalorians won her the respect of her former adversary Fenn Rau. With his followers dead and with Saxon vowing to kill him, Rau decided to join the rebellion. As a result, the rebels gained the support of a seasoned Mandalorian warrior and commander.







