Second Battle of Vontor

The Second Battle of Vontor (circa 25,100 BBY) was the second indecisive battle fought between the expansionist Hutts and the Empire of Xim the Despot.


The Hutt Empire had been competing with the empire Xim had carved out in the Tion Cluster for control of the Si'Klaata Cluster for some time. The planet Vontor was the focal area of the cluster's control along the Hutt's route of invasion.

The battle

One battle had already been fought over the planet, but Xim was determined to try again.


The battle's indecisive conclusion led to the the hiring of Vodran, Nikto, and Weequay mercenaries by the Hutts, thus ensuring their victory over Xim at the Third Battle of Vontor.


The Second Battle of Vontor was featured in "The Gleam of Kiirium," a poem purportedly written by the Croke poet Asenec in the days before his death in 244 BBY.

