
Offworlders were permitted to visit Sarcophagus, but none were interred there. Used by all three of Sacorria's species, Sarcophagus housed a diverse collection of tombs, grave sites, and mausoleums on its surface, as well as catacombs and burial caves underground. Orbital shuttles provided transportation to and from Sacorria, and the Central Databank provided locations for the vast number of plots.

Sacorrians remained superstitious about Sarcophagus. Looking up into the night sky and seeing the full moon stirred up thoughts of death and calamity. By tradition, and the decree of the Triad, pointing a telescope at Sarcophagus was illegal because it was seen as disrespectful of the dead.

Behind the scenes

A real-world sarcophagus was a container for mummified bodies in antiquity.




