Sal Sor'Chan

Personality and traits

Sal Sor'Chan believed the Empire was evil and tyrannical, but thought the majority of its people were simply ignorant to its evil. As a recruiting agent for the Rebellion, she worked to see the Empire defeated by showing its citizenry the error of their ways. Sor'Chan firmly believed mercy was a source of strength and would rather spare the life of an enemy than kill.

Like all Nautolans, Sor'Chan was amphibious and could breathe both under water and on land. She wore armored clothing and carried a blaster pistol, shock gloves, datapad, comlink and disguise kit. She had a tattoo of the Rebel crest hidden somewhere on her body.

Behind the scenes

Zora appears as an introductory character for Fantasy Flight Games' Force and Destiny roleplaying game Beta.

