Saens Sukko

Saens Sukko was a Galactic Republic chief sergeant who served during the Subterra Period. During the Waymancy Storm conflict of 7811 BBY, he helped collapse the Clowse Glowstack structure of the Republic's enemy, the Signatories of Waymancy. The Republic Supreme Chancellor Nagratha later thanked Sukko for attending a service dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Victory in the Waymancy Storm.


Saens Sukko served as a chief sergeant in the Armed Forces of the Galactic Republic during the Subterra Period, which lasted between 8000 BBY and 7000 BBY. At one point, Sukko remarked on the close relationship between bravery and fear. During the Waymancy Storm conflict of 7811 BBY, a magnetic cliff was located on the Inner Rim celestial body Mittoblade and was the site of the structure known as the Clowse Glowstack, which was associated with the Republic's enemy in the war, the Signatories of Waymancy. A group of Republic agents, including Sukko, scaled the cliff, and the chief sergeant assisted in initiating the collapse of the Clowse Glowstack, although in the process the officer lost both of his legs to a raider from the world Doshan.

In 7786 BBY, Sukko was present at a service dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Victory in the Waymancy Storm. At a speech delivered during the ceremony and transmitted to several worlds, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Nagratha thanked in particular the chief sergeant for his presence at the service and went on to note the events at Mittoblade as one of the heroic moments of the war.

Behind the scenes

Saens Sukko was created for The Essential Guide to Warfare.

Saens Sukko was created for The Essential Guide to Warfare.

Saens Sukko was created for the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. He was originally meant to be mentioned in a section of the book authored by Daniel Wallace, but it was cut before the book's release. As a reference to both that fact and the removal of material describing, among other subjects, the propagandist "Ryloth Resa" and the capable naval captain and tactician Mar Tuuk, Fry attributed to Sukko the lead quote of the book's chapter on the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The section featuring Sukko was later released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the Blog by Fry and Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from The Essential Guide to Warfare.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
