Sacred Pyre

Sacred Pyre was a war vessel of the Yuuzhan Vong, a carrier analog with coralskipper starfighters clustered on its bone-white hull like barnacles on a rock. Almost the entire crew consisted of fighter pilots, with only a few additional officers.

Unlike many Yuuzhan Vong ships, the interiors of which were dark caverns inside their armoured yorik coral hulls, the carrier contained many sinuous spaces shaped by soft, translucent bulkheads and lit by a murky green glow, though some were floored in a solid pinkish surface that resembled ferrocrete. The command bridge was located near the front of the upper deck, positioned in such a way that one of its viewports looked back across the rear of the hull, and furnished with a central high seat for the commander, a for the communications subaltern and a tactical niche with a blaze bug display. Behind the bridge was the forward hold, and additional hold space was located lower in the hull, along with a retractable oqa membrane airlock which allowed the ship to dock with other vessels in deep space.

In 30 ABY, this ship served as the flagship of Commander Bhu Fath, leading a small squadron that included a second vessel of the same type and three smaller gunships. They were sent to Selvaris to protect a convoy of seven Peace Brigade prison ships, but were attacked by the Galactic Alliance. The Sacred Pyre was boarded by commandos, and the prisoners on board were rescued, but the arrival of Yuuzhan Vong reinforcements forced the Alliance soldiers to retreat to their own ships.

The Sacred Pyre appears only in chapters 8-10 of the novel The Unifying Force. The novel does not say what happens to the ship after the rescue of the prisoners on board.

Although the ship is described as a "carrier analog", it is not clear whether it is intended to be as large the 800-meter length stated for the A-vek Iiluunu type in The New Jedi Order Sourcebook. The ship clearly does not carry the sourcebook's stated complement of 320 crew and 480 passengers, unless these numbers correspond to the fighter pilots and the Alliance prisoners.

Behind the scenes

The Sacred Pyre appears only in chapters 8-10 of the novel The Unifying Force. The novel does not say what happens to the ship after the rescue of the prisoners on board.

Although the ship is described as a "carrier analog", it is not clear whether it is intended to be as large the 800-meter length stated for the A-vek Iiluunu type in The New Jedi Order Sourcebook. The ship clearly does not carry the sourcebook's stated complement of 320 crew and 480 passengers, unless these numbers correspond to the fighter pilots and the Alliance prisoners.



