Rymar Quinn

Rymar's strict instruction in Malavai's childhood inspired his son's rigid bearing and unyielding loyalty to the Empire. Colonel Quinn was killed while serving in the Battle of Rhen Var at some point between 3660 BBY and 3653 BBY, though Malavai followed in his father's footsteps by enlisting in the Imperial Military.

Rymar Quinn was mentioned in Malavai Quinn's entry in Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, a 2012 reference guide. The entry states that Rymar died young at the Battle of Rhen Var, but the placement of the battle in the final quarter of the Great Galactic War on the Encyclopedias timeline contradicts this, as Malavai was already in his twenties by the time of the battle.

Behind the scenes

Rymar Quinn was mentioned in Malavai Quinn's entry in Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, a 2012 reference guide. The entry states that Rymar died young at the Battle of Rhen Var, but the placement of the battle in the final quarter of the Great Galactic War on the Encyclopedias timeline contradicts this, as Malavai was already in his twenties by the time of the battle.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia
