Rylee Dray

Relocating to Strell House on the Promenade, Rylee and Destris told the Inquisitor about the gathering of Paladius' followers in the Meridian Hall and offered a way to trick his supporters by detonating the gas pipes running after the hall to imitate an on-demand Groundquake, setting the Sith up with Gord Madel. After a display of power, Paladius invited Rylee, Destris and the Sith to meet him in his sanctuary. There, he attempted to kill the Sith, but was defeated.

Despite Paladius' pleas, he was killed and Rylee and Destris took over the cult, accumulating the power for their new master. Around 3641 BBY the Sith, now Lord Kallig, returned to them in search of a CN-12 sensor chip. Rylee and Destris explained that the chip was in the possession of their competitive called the Veil.

Rylee can be romanced by a male Inquisitor. If Rylee and Destris are killed in the dark side option, Paladius will once again lead the cult. In the light option, Rylee and Destris are spared and lead the cult in the Inquisitor's name, but may lose control later due to Veil. Otherwise they appear at their master's ascendance to the Dark Council.

Behind the scenes

Rylee can be romanced by a male Inquisitor. If Rylee and Destris are killed in the dark side option, Paladius will once again lead the cult. In the light option, Rylee and Destris are spared and lead the cult in the Inquisitor's name, but may lose control later due to Veil. Otherwise they appear at their master's ascendance to the Dark Council.



