Ry Ki-Sakka

Ry Ki-Sakka was a human Jedi Grand Master of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. He spent most of his life on missions in remote parts of the galaxy, operating far from the borders of the Galactic Republic and learning to value self-sufficiency. Ki-Sakka replaced Jedi Master Jora Malli on the Jedi High Council after her death at the Battle of Kur against the Nihil marauders. Along with the rest of the Jedi Council, Ki-Sakka was involved with the response to the ongoing conflict with the Nihil, including the implementation of the Guardian Protocols and discussions involving the marauders' Occlusion Zone territory and the Nameless creatures that they utilized. Ki-Sakka was later promoted to the role of Grand Master, taking the place of Master Pra-Tre Veter after the latter's capture and disappearance.

Recall to Coruscant

The human Ry Ki-Sakka was a Jedi Master of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. Ki-Sakka spent most of his life in the far reaches of the galaxy undertaking various missions in remote areas, where he learned to operate far from the traditional borders of the Galactic Republic. After the death of Master Jora Malli at the Battle of Kur against the Nihil marauder organization in 232 BBY, Ki-Sakka stepped up to take her place on the Jedi High Council. As per the requirements of his new posting, Ki-Sakka returned to the Republic capital planet of Coruscant.

After the destruction of the Starlight Beacon space station at the hands of the Nihil in 230 BBY, the Jedi Council recalled all of its members to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, an expected temporary measure that was to last until further notice. In the Temple, Ki-Sakka watched the returning Jedi alongside Master Soleil Agra and Grand Master Yoda, commenting on the success of the recall signal. Agra noted that the recall was the correct choice, particularly as they required time to learn about the Force-eating Nameless creatures that the Nihil had used against the Jedi. Yoda bid farewell to the pair in order to investigate and meditate on the matter.

One week after the fall of Starlight, in 229 BBY, Ki-Sakka and other members of the Jedi Council were present in the chamber of the Senate Building in order to speak to a gathering of the recalled Jedi. The other Council members spoke of the actions of the Nihil and their leader, Marchion Ro, including the recent establishment of the Occlusion Zone, the territory of the Nihil behind the Stormwall barrier. In response to the Nihil's actions, the Council announced the implementation of the Guardian Protocols in order to deal with the ongoing crisis.

Rising darkness

Three months after Starlight's destruction, Ki-Sakka was present in the Jedi Council Chamber as Master Elzar Mann spoke to the Council, insisting that they had to find a way to breach the Stormwall and rescue their fellow Jedi within the Occlusion Zone. The meeting was interrupted by the return of Yoda, who reassured Mann and dismissed him from the chamber before inviting in the former Jedi Knight Azlin Rell, who had encountered the Nameless long ago and had embraced the dark side in order to attempt to understand the creatures.

The Jedi Council were wary of Rell, with Ki-Sakka arguing against the former Jedi's claim that he had no choice other than to follow his path. Rell rebuffed the remark by claiming that Ki-Sakka would be one to know, leaving the Master speechless. The former Jedi revealed that he had willingly embraced the dark side, leading Ki-Sakka and the other Jedi to draw their lightsabers. Yoda, however, instructed the Jedi to lower their weapons, insisting that Rell would be able to help them learn more about the Nameless. When Grand Master Pra-Tre Veter was captured by the Nihil nine months after Starlight's fall and later disappeared, Ki-Sakka was elevated to Grand Master to take his place. In the same year, Ki-Sakka was mentioned in Chronicles of the Jedi, a document written by Master Harli Cogra.

Personality and traits

As a Grand Master on the Council, Ki-Sakka exemplified what the Jedi stood for and brought his past experiences to his role. According to Master Cogra, elder Jedi saw Ki-Sakka as a living example of the old Republic Pathfinder spirit, valuing self-sufficiency as a result of his time in the galaxy's distant reaches. Ry Ki-Sakka had brown skin, black hair and a beard, and sharp dark eyes. He stood at a height of 1.88 meters (6 feet 2 inches) tall.


Ki-Sakka wielded a purple-bladed lightsaber and wore a set of white and gold temple robes.

Behind the scenes

Ry Ki-Sakka was created for the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative and was introduced in the fourth episode of Star Wars: The High Republic Show on July 28, 2021. Although the episode gave his name as Ry Ki Sakka, it was corrected to Ki-Sakka by the reference book Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi, written by Cole Horton and published on February 28, 2023. Ki-Sakka first appeared in the first issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight comic series, written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Ibraim Roberson, and published by Marvel Comics on October 3 of that year.













