Rusty Rancor

The Rusty Rancor was an establishment on Hesperys Station that hosted combat tournaments in a fighting ring. In the year 382 BBY, Axel Greylark and Gella Nattai visited Ney Madiine at the establishment.


The Rusty Rancor was a multi-level establishment located on Hesperys Station with at least one fighting ring for main events. Below the fighting ring was a level full of holding cells where the combatants were kept. Ney Madiine owned an office where she could view the fights from. The Rusty Rancor had its own security detail which facilitated the events, the bouncer being a large Trandoshan.


By 382 BBY, the Rusty Rancor was a gathering point for the people on Hesperys Station to watch fight tournaments. Ney Madiine gathered individuals to fight in these tournaments, and one of these was Dario Melek, who became her champion.

Axel Greylark, accompanied by Jedi Knight Gella Nattai, travelled to the asteroid in 382 BBY and visited the Rusty Rancor. Without consulting Nattai first, he offered her up to fight Ney Madiine's champion so he could obtain information on Rev Ferrol. Unbeknownst to Gella, Axel intended to leave her there due to his secret allegiances to the Path of the Open Hand. Gella fought Dario Melek in the fighting ring and initially thought he was an undercover Jedi due to his use of a double-bladed lightsaber. After engaging him, she realized he was not a force-wielder at all and asked him where he stole the weapon. She used the force to take his weapon and he tackled her. Melek told her that Madiine didn't like interruptions and she gave the weapon back to him but it was too late and the floor below them opened, causing her to fall into the lower levels and be put in a cell. During the fight, Madiine alerted Greylark of a bounty recently placed on his head, although she gave him the information he needed due to owing him a favor. Greylark hurriedly started to leave and killed a member of Madiine's security detail to steal Nattai's lightsabers. After almost leaving, Axel returned for Nattai, using one of her lightsabers to free her from the cell. Greylark and Nattai then fled the Rusty Rancor with the information they needed.

Behind the scenes

The Rusty Rancor appeared in Convergence, a 2022 novel written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.






