

Rumitaka was one of the five planets in the aptly-named Five Points system, located in the Outer Rim Territories. It was a small and dusty planet that had no major hyperlanes leading to it.

Rumitaka had a small spaceport with smaller mining operations in the south, including a refinery, and irrigation farms in the north. It was home to many junk dealers. Rumitaka had an Imperial presence.


Around 3 BBY, Jyn Erso, arrived on Rumitaka from the Five Points space station. Upon landing, she sold the small ship she had stolen to the junk dealer Risi Amps before returning to the spaceport and immediately booking passage to Uchinao, beginning a life of roaming. At one point, she met a splicer who she knew stayed on Rumitaka.

Erso would return to Rumitaka after years of roaming and took a job for Amps, forging ident codes and ship docs for the junk dealer to sell. They came to an agreement, with Erso renting a room in an old house and supplying Amps with the documents. At some point, Erso realized that Amps was likely working for a partisan rebel group. The two were eventually arrested by Imperial Admiral Bethava Rocwyn.






