Royal Security Police Force

The Royal Security Police Force, (RSPF) or simply known as the Police Force, was the main law enforcement agency on the planet Naboo.


A Naboo police officer.

A Naboo police officer.

Naboo police officers were present in the cities of Naboo. The Police Force was present in the city of Theed. Individual Security Guards who worked as sentries and patrolmen supplemented the police on behalf of the Theed Royal Palace.


Around 22 BBY, Theed police forcibly removed migrant workers who staged protests at the Palace Courtyard, aiming to highlight their poor working conditions.

In 1 ABY, the Police Force raided the Mauler base near Keren. Soon after, the police eliminated Doogal Belstar, the leader of the Maulers and most wanted man on Naboo. Soon after, Lieutenant Khartoor of the Violent Crimes Division was tasked to arrest the murderer Hunnos Jarkey.




