Rohmar Montgo

Rohmar Montgo was a Jedi of the Jedi Order. During the Great Hyperspace Disaster in 232 BBY, they were part of the Order's efforts to assist the agriworld Hetzal Prime and its star system. Under coordination of Jedi Master Avar Kriss, the Jedi altered the course of a tibanna tank to prevent it from colliding with the Hetzal system's largest star, saving the system, though Montgo perished due to the effort expended in the endeavor.


Rohmar Montgo operated during the High Republic Era as a Jedi of the Jedi Order. During the Great Hyperspace Disaster in 232 BBY, they were part of a Jedi effort to aid the agriworld Hetzal Prime and its system, participating in the galaxy-wide effort to prevent a collision between the Hetzal system's largest star and a liquid tibanna tank, as the impact would cause an explosion that would destroy the system.

Rohmar Montgo died while helping divert a tibanna tank from the Hetzal system's largest star.

Rohmar Montgo died while helping divert a tibanna tank from the Hetzal system's largest star.

Under the coordination of Jedi Master Avar Kriss, Montgo and many other Jedi across the galaxy linked their minds together to help divert the tank from its collision course. However, as they devoted all their focus to the endeavor, each Jedi who faltered under the immense strain made the task increasingly challenging. Though the crisis was averted, Montgo perished, having been unable to remain safe in their surroundings while expending effort to shift the tibanna. Kriss sensed the Jedi's death, briefly acknowledging their loss mentally.

In 229 BBY, the Vurk Jedi Master Harli Cogra wrote a book titled Chronicles of the Jedi, which detailed the Jedi of the High Republic Era. In the third chapter of the book, Cogra mentioned the Jedi who had participated in Kriss' network to save Hetzal Prime, including the many who had perished, such as Montgo.

Powers and abilities

As part of the Jedi Order, Montgo was a Force-sensitive individual trained to move objects with the Force.

Behind the scenes

Rohmar Montgo was first introduced in the novel Light of the Jedi, written by Charles Soule, and, albeit indirectly, in the young-readers book The High Republic: The Great Jedi Rescue authored by Cavan Scott. Both books were released as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I on January 5, 2021. Light of the Jedi first identified the character by name.


  • Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi









