
Major Rigosso was a Belugan male military officer in the service of Lord Otua Blank's military force on the planet Quarzite. In 20 BBY, the Belugans kidnapped the Kage female Pluma Sodi with orders to bring her back to Blank for the dictator's personal pleasure. However, as the threat of Sodi's rescue by Kage Warriors loomed over the mission, Rigosso hired a team of six bounty hunters to protect and safely deliver Sodi to Blank's stronghold.

After Rigosso greeted the bounty hunters at the planetary turbolift, which escorted Quarzite visitors below the planet's high-pressure surface, the Belugan major briefed the hunters on the mission and warned them of the dangers. Once underground, the delivery squad traveled by subtram but were attacked by Kage Warriors en route. Following a prolonged fight between the two groups, Rigosso was killed by Pluma's brother, Krismo Sodi.

Dealing with the Kage

While on Quarzite, Rigosso served Otua Blank (pictured).

While on Quarzite, Rigosso served Otua Blank (pictured).

A Belugan male from the planet Quarzite, Rigosso served the Belugan dictator Lord Otua Blank as a military officer with the rank of major during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatists. In 20 BBY, a conflict was waged between Quarzite's two native species, the Belugans and the Kage. The elite Kage Warriors were known to raid Belugan subtrams, and Rigosso's elite troops proved to be ineffectual against them. At some point, the Belugans kidnapped the Kage female Pluma Sodi, whom Blank planned to make his bride.

However, with Blank's soldiers outmatched by the Kage Warriors—who would likely attack Sodi's escort—the Belugans turned to outside help. For a fee of 600,000 credits, Rigosso hired a team of six bounty hunters led by the up-and-coming hunter Boba Fett to come to Quarzite. However, the bounty hunters were initially unaware that their assignment would be to protect Sodi from Kage rescue attempts.

Safe cargo

Major Rigosso introduces the bounty hunters to their cargo.

Major Rigosso introduces the bounty hunters to their cargo.

Due to Quarzite's highly pressurized atmosphere, Rigosso met the team of bounty hunters—Fett, Bossk, Latts Razzi, C-21 Highsinger, Dengar, and Asajj Ventress—at a space station built outside of the planet's atmosphere. The station contained a massive turbolift that descended below Quarzite's pressurized surface, where the Belugans and Kage lived. Rigosso introduced himself to the bounty hunters and briefed the group on the mission objectives using a holographic display, including information about the Kage, Blank, and Quarzite's peculiar atmosphere. Despite the bounty hunters' inquiries about their cargo, the major curtly assured them that failing to deliver the cargo safely would bring Blank's ire upon them.

Rigosso and Fett discussed the mission further while riding the turbolift together, and the Belugan eventually revealed that they would be traveling to Blank's stronghold. For the escort, Sodi was stored in a wooden container, which Rigosso stressed should not be opened. Sodi was moved into a passenger car with Rigosso while the hunters spread out across the tram alongside two other Belugan guards. As the Belugans feared, the subtram fell under attack from Kage Warriors riding milodons almost immediately after departure.

Rigosso was killed while inhibiting Pluma Sodi's rescue.

Rigosso was killed while inhibiting Pluma Sodi's rescue.

The acrobatic Kage Warriors boarded the train en masse, and Rigosso worked with the bounty hunters to combat the Kage, firing his weapon at two of the warriors and kicking one in the face. The major indicated to Razzi who their leader was—Sodi's brother, Krismo—before placing himself in front of Pluma's container as a last line of defense. With the bounty hunters occupied, Rigosso confronted Krismo in a brief standoff before being killed by one of Krismo's electro swords, his body left crumpled on the subtram's floor. Eventually, Ventress allowed Krismo and Pluma to escape in exchange for a sum of money after the bounty hunter had a change of heart over the mission objectives, thus rendering Rigosso's mission a failure.

Personality and traits

Rigosso (left) spoke highly of his lord, Otua Blank (pictured in hologram), to a group of bounty hunters.

Rigosso (left) spoke highly of his lord, Otua Blank (pictured in hologram), to a group of bounty hunters.

As a major, Rigosso was a staunch loyalist to Otua Blank and followed his master's orders. His voice often carried a positive and almost reverent tone while speaking of Blank, whom he often referred to as "my lord." Although accommodating to the bounty hunters, he did not appreciate the hunters nosing about the cargo and threatened them with punishment if they failed to ensure its safe delivery.

Rigosso's concern for Pluma Sodi's safety lay only in Blank's interest in receiving a healthy bride. Despite his cordial introduction, the hunter Ventress felt a sense of urgency in Rigosso's welcome and that he was in a hurry. Rigosso was willing to die to protect Blank's cargo, laughing at Krismo at the idea of the Kage rescuing his sister. The major had orange-and-gray-colored skin and white eyes with black, star-shaped irises.

Skills and abilities

The Belugan was a capable combatant and dispatched multiple Kage Warriors with a blaster pistol during the subtram brawl. He outlasted most of the Kage combatants aboard until being bested by Krismo.


Rigosso wore a brown-colored military uniform complete with a form-fitting bodysuit, a two-piece breastplate, boots, shoulder pads, and gauntlets with gloves featuring metal claw tips. Each of Rigosso's gauntlets had a pistol holster, one of which held Rigosso's silver blaster pistol when the Belugan did not have it drawn. Parts of his uniform had white, ribbed patches, and his left breastplate displayed a black-and-yellow Belugan emblem. Although similar to the uniform worn by the Belugan soldiers, Rigosso's lacked certain bits of armor.

Behind the scenes

Rigosso first appeared in "Bounty," the twentieth episode from the fourth season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which aired on March 2, 2012. Rigosso was voiced by Tom Kane in the episode. Concept artwork of the character was rendered by the artist Darren Marshall. The four-part mouth of the Belugans in the episode was based on the existing mouth structure along with the baleen of a whale, fringed plates in whales' mouths used to strain food from water.


  • Ultimate Star Wars
  • Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!









