
Resk was a Human who lived during the reign of the Galactic Empire. When a bounty was placed on Resk around 17 BBY, the fallen Jedi Master and bounty hunter A'Sharad Hett tracked Resk to Korriban. During their confrontation, Resk threatened to expose Hett as a former Jedi to the proper authorities if brought before them. Resk's threat prompted Hett to behead his target with his lightsabers, further sinking the former Jedi into the dark side of the Force.


Resk was a Human who lived during the early years of the Galactic Empire. Around 17 BBY, after a bounty was placed on Resk, the bounty hunter and former Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett eventually tracked Resk to the planet Korriban, where they were both forced to the world's surface due to a storm. Resk fled from Hett and attempted self-defense with a pair of blasters but was disarmed by the former Jedi's lightsabers. As Hett cornered Resk, the latter threatened to inform the authorities of the former's status as an ex-Jedi, which prompted Hett to silence Resk via beheading, as the bounty on Resk's head was the same whether the target was living or deceased. After Resk's death, Hett, who had fallen to the dark side, discovered the ancient Sith Lord XoXaan's holocron, which taught the former Jedi Master the ways of the Sith over the next few years.

Resk was light-skinned with brown eyes, a beard, and long hair. During the fatal confrontation with Hett, Resk wore jewelry and wielded two blaster pistols.

Behind the scenes

Resk was created by John Ostrander, the writer of the Star Wars: Legacy comics, for the fourth issue of the Claws of the Dragon story arc. He was drawn by Jan Duursema.



