Research Station 9


The research station was a large facility featuring a Tarkin Initiative insignia on its front. It contained holograms of the climate disruption arrays that were used in Operation: Cinder. The station had a landing platform in front of its entrance containing Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttles. It was protected by a smaller supply post not far away. In between the base and the supply post was a small Ewok settlement and several caves.

Behind the scenes

Research Station 9 is featured in one of Star Wars Battlefront II's Galactic Assault maps. In the game mode, the station is under the command of Colonel Brenna and attacked by Rebel Alliance Major Shin and his troops, who want to secure resources from the site before Imperial forces evacuate. Players on the Rebel Alliance side first attack the small nearby supply post and attempt to steal an All Terrain Armored Transport to use in their assault on the research facility. If the attack is successful, the Rebel players march towards the main base with the AT-AT and blow open the main doors with it, after which, they assault a final command post. Imperial players are tasked with defending the outpost and destroying the walker if it is successfully stolen, along with protecting the main base. If the Rebels win, they are shown landing U-wings at the base's entrance while Brenna tells the Imperials to flee into the wilderness. If the Imperials win, they are shown landing Lambda-class shuttles.



