Repulsor anchor

Repulsor anchors first appeared in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens as part of the droid character HURID-327, with their first reveal being a brief appearance in the film's first full-length trailer released two months before the film in 2015. Neither the anchors or the droid were identified in the film, but both were later named in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo released the day after the film.

Behind the scenes

Repulsor anchors first appeared in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens as part of the droid character HURID-327, with their first reveal being a brief appearance in the film's first full-length trailer released two months before the film in 2015. Neither the anchors or the droid were identified in the film, but both were later named in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo released the day after the film.


  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary






