Republic High Command

The Republic High Command, also known as Republic Strategic Command, was a military organization of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. The organization existed to manage the Grand Army of the Republic and was made up of experienced admirals and generals from Republic planets. Jedi High Council member Oppo Rancisis was chosen by the Jedi Council to be it's primary representative at Republic High Command meetings as a member of the organization, and Colonel Meebur Gascon was considered one of the organization's top minds. The group met in the Strategic Planning Amphitheater in the Republic Center for Military Operations on Coruscant. It covered up the betrayal of Clone Sergeant Slick from the Battle of Christophsis.

It was thought that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine being subject to a sham trial, after his capture by the Separatists, one that would be broadcast across the galaxy and would also likely result in his execution, would be enough to drive the Republic High Command to the negotiating table with the Separatists and offer them deep concessions.

Republic High Command was first mentioned in Star Wars canon in "Secret Weapons" as strategic command. A Republic High Command organization was later identified in the thirty-fifth issue of the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, published in 2015. Rise of the Separatists, a Fantasy Flight Games sourcebook released in 2019, established that Strategic Command and High Command were the same organization.

Behind the scenes

Republic High Command was first mentioned in Star Wars canon in "Secret Weapons" as strategic command. A Republic High Command organization was later identified in the thirty-fifth issue of the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, published in 2015. Rise of the Separatists, a Fantasy Flight Games sourcebook released in 2019, established that Strategic Command and High Command were the same organization.













