Rehanna Rist


In 3666 BBY, during the time of the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Rehanna met and fell in love with a Jedi Padawan named Nomar Organa, a member of House Organa. However, their relationship was short when Nomar broke off his marriage and returned to serve the Jedi Order, leaving Rehanna heart-broken.

Twenty-three years later, during the Cold War, Rehanna remained within the House Rist until she encountered a Sith Inquisitor named Kallig, who was searching for an artifact of Tulak Hord. Rehanna engaged the apprentice, but she proved was no match for the Sith. After contacting her lover into bringing him into a trap, Kallig executed her.

Behind the scenes

The player may choose to leave her alive after the conversation in House Rist in which case she just dismisses Kallig with anger.

The light side inquisitor may convince her that Nomar still loves her and they re-unite in their old meeting place with Kallig present. With this the final confrontation with Nomar happens at the Organa vaults on the Elysium. The inquisitor later gets a mail from Rehanna in which she thanks them for finally freeing her from Nomar, but asks them to never come to Alderaan again.



