Red Circle Base

The Red Circle Base, also known as the Red Circle Bunker, was a bunker located on the planet Corellia during the Galactic Civil War. It was one of the main bases of the Chirq Council.


The Red Circle Base was located in the Vella plains, near the city of Kor Vella. After the Battle of Yavin, the base served as the headquarters of the Kor Vella chapter of the Chirq Council, also known as the Red Circle Gang. The three leaders of this Chirq Council chapter, Vora Anjek, Annor Fash and Vella Corse, were based in the bunker.

In 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force started an investigation against the Red Circle Gang following the increase of spice traffic in Kor Vella. A spacer working for Lieutenant Cope discovered the existence of the ryll smuggling ring of the Red Circle Gang and the location of the Ryll Smuggler Base. After the assassination of the mayor of Kor Vella Deel Draav by the Red Circle Gang, the CorSec raided the Ryll Smuggler Base. The spacer eliminated the underboss Ubis Reendorr and retrieved his access code for the Red Circle Base. The CorSec later assaulted the Red Circle Base nearby and killed most of the guards. The spacer used Reendorr's access code to slice the mainframe in the courtyard of the base and learned the identity of the three local Chirq Council leaders: Vora Anjek, Annor Fash and Vella Corse. The CorSec therefore attacked the basement of the Red Circle Base and killed the three leaders. During the assault, the spacer also discovered that the leaders of the Chirq Council were based in the city Doaba Guerfel. The CorSec investigation eventually led to the disbandment of the Chirq Council.

Behind the scenes

The Red Circle Base appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. The Red Circle Base was added to the game with the update named "Chapter 1: The Corellian Captives," published on June 8, 2006.



