Raxlo Strikes Back

Official description

The younglings protect wellagrin eggs from Raxlo.

The hatching day

On the snowy world of Andraven, Nubs rides a Wellagrin inside a pen. His riding moves impress his Jedi friends Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay, and their local guests Gumar and Jam. Gumar and Jam thank the Jedi younglings for visiting them again. Jam slips off the fence but lands safely in the snow. Brightstar, Solay and Nubs are excited about the annual wellagrin hatching later today.

Gumar is also excited because he was chosen to take care of the Wellagrin eggs this year. Jam says that Gumar has been keeping them safe. Gumar explains that Wellagrin eggs need to be kept really cold in order to hatch. Since they cannot be moved from their nesting spot in the snow, Gumar is tasked with checking on them daily. While Jam keeps an eye on the other Wellagrin, Gumar invites the Jedi younglings to ride with him to the Wellagrin hatching grounds on Wellagrin steeds.

Trouble with Raxlo

As they approach their destination, the Wellagrins become distressed. Gumar and the Jedi notice that the ground is warm. Gumar senses something is wrong while Solay says that the snow is melting even more up ahead towards the hatching grounds on the hill. Sensing the eggs are in danger, Gumar says that they need to check on the eggs.

At the nesting grounds, they discover that the eggs have been exposed. When Solay suggests moving them somewhere else, Gumar says they can't because that would confuse the adult Wellagrins. Gumar fears that the eggs won't hatch if it is not cold enough. Nubs hears the sound of laser buzzing. The group find that Raxlo's harvester is using its laser to melt the surrounding snow. Gumar asks why Raxlo is doing that. Brightstar says that they don't know but will need to stop him.

They find Raxlo relaxing by a heating unit. Brightstar confronts Raxlo, who recognizes the Jedi younglings from previous adventures. Raxlo also notices their local friend Gumar and grumbles about the Jedi wrecking his business ventures. After telling RC-99 to stop the laser, Raxlo reveals that he has been harvesting Tenga rocks, glowing rocks that can generate energy. Raxlo hopes to profit from the extraction and sale of Tenga rocks, which are buried beneath the snow.

Outsmarting Raxlo's droids

Gumar protests that Raxlo is extracting Tenga rocks from a Wellagrin nesting ground while Brightstar says he should have asked for permission. Raxlo doesn't care, saying that the area has the most Tenga rocks. Due to his previous misadventures with the Jedi younglings, Gumar has brought several orb-like security droids that are equipped with lasers. Raxlo tasks the droids with getting rid of the Jedi and Gumar.

The Jedi Initiates fight back with their lightsabers but are surrounded by the floating droids. Under Raxlo's orders, RC-99 and the security droids force the Jedi and Gumar to remain at the edge of a rock face. RC-99 returns while the floating droids guard their prisoners. After some discussion, Gumar proposes triggering an avalanche to bury the droids, causing them to power down. Putting their plan into action, the Jedi younglings use the Force to cause the snow above the rockface to collapse onto the security droids, causing them to power down.

The avalanche

Solay then blinds RC-99's photoreceptors with snow while Brightstar powers him down. Solay thanks Gumar for the plan. Returning to Raxlo's harvester, they infiltrate the vehicle through the rear hatch. With Raxlo distracted in the cockpit, Brightstar attempts to switch off the laser cutter but accidentally turns on the music, which arouses Raxlo. Discovered, Gumar tells Raxlo that the laser is endangering Wellagrin eggs and pleads with him to turn it off.

Raxlo is defiant but Nubs warns in Poobian that they will start pushing the buttons inside the harvester. Solay and Brightstar translate. Raxlo is still defiant so that begin touching buttons, causing the harvester to move erratically. They also turn Raxlo's swivel chair. Raxlo protests, describing the harvester as a very delicate machine. Gumar presses the big red button, which causes the harvester's laser to strike the top of the hill, triggering an avalanche which carries them downhill.

The snow also covers the Wellagrin hatching grounds, causing the eggs to hatch. Several wellagrin babies emerge from the snow. One of them allows Nubs to cuddle it. Gumar thanks the Jedi for saving the baby Wellagrins. Raxlo grumbles about the Jedi ruining his plans, saying that he needs to make money to live. Brightstar sits beside him and says that he can't simply harvest wherever he wants. Gumar says that if he had asked, he would have told him that this area belongs to the Wellagrins.

Making peace with Raxlo

He offers to show him other places where he can use his harvester. This cheers up Raxlo, who also cuddles a baby Wellagrin. Raxlo asks Gumar for help in finding another location to harvest Tenga rocks. Jam and other members of his species arrive just in time to see the Wellagrin eggs hatching. One of the Wellagrins takes a liking to Raxlo. Raxlo is pleased with the new Tenga mining site. Gumar says he is glad that they saved the Wellagrins and found a new place for Gumar to harvest. Raxlo tells the Jedi and Gumar about his new shovel, which allows him to move the snow rather than melt it. The baby Wellagrins are loving it. Raxlo offers to show his new friends what else his modified harvester can do.



