Raslin Grace


Raslin Grace was a human who lived in the galaxy during the Imperial Era. She took up a life of bounty hunting and developed ties with an Imperial Science Bureau officer by the name of Melchior Votto. Following the scourge of the droids, she was contacted by Votto, who offered her a hunt worth her time. Grace made her way to the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Peerless and sang a tune about a girl on a high day until reaching Votto, who was annoyed by her tune. Prompted to reveal the bounty that brought her to the Star Destroyer, Votto presented Grace with a hologram with Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra, who Grace was excited to hunt down. Before beginning her hunt, Grace traveled to the planet D'Assem within the Bounty Hunters Guild Social Club at the time an assortment of bounty hunters were at the club. she offered to tell those present the story of her greatest hunt.

Personality and traits

Raslin Grace was a human with black hair, dark skin, and black eyes who worked as a bounty hunter, albeit one who wanted hunts she deemed to be worth her time. She was familiar with the ISB officer Melchior Votto, whom she was straight to the point with. As she made her way to a meeting with Votto, she sang a song about a girl who broke the singer's heart in the first person: in the song, Grace, or at least the singer, met a "lovely girl"—specifically a woman with flowers in her hair but a heart as strong as beskar steel—one night, with the singer quickly falling in love with the woman. Over the night, so said the song, the two danced until dawn, during which point the singer reached out to the woman, only to discover she had vanished. She was excited to hunt down the rogue archaeologist Chelli Aphra, promising Votto that such a hunt would be fun.






