Rancor sauce

Rancor sauce was a sauce used for seasoning noodles. In 0 ABY, the rebels Luke Skywalker and Nakari Kelen were tasked with obtaining files and reports from a contact on the planet Denon: the Kupohan Sakhet, who ran a noodle shop called Sakhet's Noodles. The employees of Sakhet's Noodles would know the rebels had come for information if they ordered Corellian buckwheat noodles with rancor sauce, a code that the rebels learned from Admiral Gial Ackbar and the protocol droid C-3PO, the former of whom found the idea of rancor sauce repulsive.

Skywalker was dreading the sauce after he ordered it, expecting the taste to be awful; Kelen was looking forward to seeing his reaction to it, but much to his relief, Sakhet gave the pair two orders of nerf nuggets instead. The next day, Sakhet told the rebels of a location of an encrypted file whose password was "Rancor Sauce." The sauce shared its name with the rancor, a species of reptile.

Rancor sauce was mentioned in Heir to the Jedi, a 2015 novel written by Kevin Hearne.

Behind the scenes

Rancor sauce was mentioned in Heir to the Jedi, a 2015 novel written by Kevin Hearne.


  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook






