
Ranath was a Human male Sith Lord of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Galactic War, during which he was stationed on Hoth. Ranath spent his time there hunting a group of Force-sensitive aliens known as Black Ice, a group consisting of Trandoshans, Selkath, and Abyssins, who had killed the previous Sith sent to kill them and taken their equipment to train and grow stronger. Ranath grew to despise them, viewing them as less than the beasts that wondered the frozen wastelands. With the help of the Chiss Ascendancy, Black Ice's base was located, and, knowing that the aliens were now able to sense his presence, he sent individuals aligned with the Sith Empire to have them wiped out. Upon their return, he gifted them with trinkets he had obtained on his hunts for the aliens to act as trophies.

Behind the scenes

Lord Ranath appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 MMORPG produced by BioWare. He is featured in "Black Ice," a quest that requires the player to exterminate a group of Force-sensitive aliens, the titular Black Ice, on the planet Hoth.

Players who play as the Sith Inquisitor, Lord Kallig, and chose to be an alien, may comment on how they may have had a similar fate to Black Ice. Ranath will point to the aliens as what Kallig may have become, and sees their killing of them as proof they are better than the fugitives. Ranath will not make similar comments if playing as an alien of any of the other classes.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide



