Rakzen Krayle

During the conflict, Krayle was based on Cularin and he was sent to transport some children captured by Task Force Vermin to Thaere Privo. He picked them up in an Arrow-23 landspeeder and flew them towards a warehouse where he had a ship docked. However, he was pursued there by the Heroes of Cularin and they fought him there. Krayle was defeated and the heroes freed the children.

Krayle was paranoid and a coward; he preferred to hide behind his men than to fight himself. However, he was willing to fight the Heroes of Cularin because he knew that the people of Cularin would make his life difficult if they found out what he and Task Force Vermin had been doing.


During the conflict, Krayle was based on Cularin and he was sent to transport some children captured by Task Force Vermin to Thaere Privo. He picked them up in an Arrow-23 landspeeder and flew them towards a warehouse where he had a ship docked. However, he was pursued there by the Heroes of Cularin and they fought him there. Krayle was defeated and the heroes freed the children.

Personality and traits

Krayle was paranoid and a coward; he preferred to hide behind his men than to fight himself. However, he was willing to fight the Heroes of Cularin because he knew that the people of Cularin would make his life difficult if they found out what he and Task Force Vermin had been doing.



