Raid on an Imperial supply yard

During the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire, the rebel crew of the VCX-100 light freighter Ghost carried out a raid against an Imperial supply yard. The resulting battle caused damage to the Ghost, leading them to Osisis Station to acquire parts to repair the ship.

The raid

In 5 BBY, the rebel crew of the VCX-100 light freighter Ghost attacked a supply yard operated by the Galactic Empire, as part of their insurgency against the Imperial regime. The raid was planned by Kanan Jarrus, the leader of the rebels. The Ghost sustained damage during the raid, and Jarrus was, at first, unable to shoot down the TIE/ln space superiority starfighters that attacked the ship. With help from pilot Hera Syndulla and astromech droid C1-10P, however, the TIEs were ultimately shot down.


Galus Vez, aboard the Splendour, races Syndulla and the Ghost

Galus Vez, aboard the Splendour, races Syndulla and the Ghost

To repair the damage to the Ghost, the crew headed for Osisis Station, a space station owned by a Besalisk parts dealer named Galus Vez in the Regani sector. Previous encounters with the rebels meant that the Empire had doubled its inspections on Osisis Station, so Vez made the rebels a deal: Syndulla would have to race Vez in an event called the Fool's Run. If Vez won, he would take the Ghost. If Syndulla won, however, then the crew could take the parts they needed. The two began the race, but Vez used a thruster on an asteroid to damage the Ghost. Syndulla won the race with help from Jarrus and his Jedi Padawan, both of whom used the Force to knock an asteroid towards Vez's Gauntlet fighter, the Splendour. Vez attempted to attack them for their victory, but the rebels fought back and overwhelmed Vez and his forces. As a result, Vez gave the crew the parts they needed to repair the Ghost.

Behind the scenes

The raid was first mentioned in the canon comic strip "Ring Race" which was written by Martin Fisher. The strip was published in the first issue of the Star Wars Rebels Magazine series, which was released on January 28, 2015. When asked on Twitter whether the raid mentioned in the story was the same as the raid that appeared in the Star Wars Rebels short "The Machine in the Ghost," Fisher stated that the two events were one in the same and that the event from the short was the only reference he had for the animated series when he wrote the script for the comic. However, the events of the comic strip, including Ezra Bridger's presence, indicate that this raid had to have taken place after the events of Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, in which Bridger joined the crew; whereas "The Machine in the Ghost" took place before Spark of Rebellion.



