Raid above Coruscant

Following the expansion of the Imperial Security Bureau's network of surveillance satellites into the Outer Rim Territories, a single T-65 X-wing starfighter was dispatched by the Rebel Alliance to destroy satellites set up in orbit over Coruscant. The Rebel pilot, designated "Red One," was tasked with destroying the five comm sats and their defenses, heat-seeking mines and two Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transports of Epsilon group, in the four minutes before the Imperial EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Sentinel could respond to the incursion.

The engagement was later simulated as a training mission by the Rebel Alliance, intended to teach prospective pilots precision in targeting and navigation. Agamarian Rebel Keyan Farlander was assigned to the simulation by training officer Wex Dafid prior to Farlander's recruitment into the Alliance flagship Independences Red Squadron.

Behind the scenes

The battle first appeared in the 1993 video game Star Wars: X-Wing as the third X-wing historical mission, "Satellites near Coruscant."


  • X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide
  • X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM: The Official Strategy Guide






