

Admiral Hiram Drayson, whom Ragab served under in 4 ABY

Admiral Hiram Drayson, whom Ragab served under in 4 ABY

A Mon Calamari, Ragab was an admiral in the navy of the New Republic in the years following the Battle of Endor. In 4 ABY, Ragab and two other Mon Calamari admirals—Kalback and Nammo—were responsible for the successful operations of the New Republic Second Fleet, which was officially commanded by Admiral Hiram Drayson. In 6 ABY, Ragab was defeated by the Raptors, elite soldiers loyal to Warlord Zsinj, at the Inner Rim's Paqualis system. The defeat caused New Republic Admiral Gial Ackbar to abandon an attempt to push Zsinj's forces further up the Hydian Way hyperlane.

In that same year, Ragab met Admiral Ackbar and Commander Wedge Antilles at a briefing prior to the First Battle of Borleias. During the battle, as much of the New Republic attack force began to retreat in the face of the defending Imperial force, the pilot Corran Horn witnessed the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Emancipator, Ragab's flagship, drifting toward Borleias' planetary north but also orienting itself as if it was going to jump into hyperspace. Horn felt it indicated that Ragab was trying to decide if his ship should retreat or stay at Borleas to fight.

Personality and traits

Ragab was a Mon Calamari with silver skin. He was a capable admiral during his time leading the Second Fleet.

Behind the scenes

Ragab first appeared in X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, a 1996 novel written by Michael A. Stackpole as the first installment of the Star Wars: X-Wing series of novels. Ragab is identified as an admiral in the novel and in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a 2012 reference book by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. However, he is referred to as a Fleet Admiral in Volume 3 of 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, despite Volume 1 of the book simply referring to him as an admiral. This article assumes the source identifying Ragab as a Fleet Admiral is incorrect.


  • Ultimate Alien Anthology
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare






