RL-40 stun net launcher


The RL-40 pistol was a speciality stun net launcher manufactured by Golan Arms. It fired canisters packed with a stun net, giving wielders an option to deploy the nets at greater ranges. The RL-40 had a range of thirty meters, launching and unfurling a stun net to its full diameter of two and half meters in under half a second. The deployed net wrapped around the target and delivered a stun charge until the target was subdued. The intensity of the net could be modified, ranging from a small jolt to subdue game, all the way up to full power charges that could down larger creatures such as dewbacks or gundarks, or even potentially kill a Human.

The net canister was located under the barrel of the pistol, and when fired an accelerator sped the canister to its target. Once deployed, the net was still connected to the launcher via a trailing wire. The RL-40 cost five hundred credits to purchase, with each canister containing ten nets retailing for fifty credits each.


The RL-40 was believed to be the inspiration for the Stokhli spray stick. The spray stick delivered a similar electrical stun charge to a target, but used a spraymist for greater range. The RGL-80A electronet grenade launcher was a larger version of the RL-40 produced by Golan Arms.


  • The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology
