Quith Meglar

Quith Meglar was a Halisite member of the Nihil marauders during the High Republic Era, working in the Ministry of Protection under General Abediah Viess as a communications officer. Feeling trapped within the Nihil, Meglar was desperate for a way out, and was eventually convinced by the reporter Rhil Dairo, a prisoner of the Nihil on the planet Hetzal Prime who was forced to make broadcasts throughout the Occlusion Zone on the marauders' behalf, to help her escape in order to ensure his own freedom. Meglar assisted Dairo in encoding secret messages into her broadcasts in the hope of reaching any Jedi in the Nihil territory, offering to smuggle them out of the Occlusion Zone in exchange for his own safe passage and immunity from Galactic Republic prosecution. The Jedi Master Avar Kriss, receiving one such message, visited Hetzal to rendezvous with Meglar and Dairo. However, Viess, having learned of the plan, ambushed them, killing Meglar. Kriss and Dairo were able to escape, however, due to the arrival of fellow Master Porter Engle, who had also received the call for help.






