Purdy M. Trico


Trico's homeworld was a high-gravity planet. He followed the polytheistic religion of his ancestors, who settled on that planet for four generations. The antireligious policies of the Empire didn't stop him from worshipping secretly their gods (who included Mugg, Bron, and Pula), not even his Academy or junior officer years; despite this, he wasn't expelled from the Academy, and his career went on. By the time of the Imperial Remnant he served as the captain of an Imperial Star Destroyer.

In 5 ABY while he operated in a star system at war, the bow of his Destroyer was mauled by a New Republic gunship, and with its task force they retreated to the relative safety of the Milagro system. But his plan did not go well, as the Rebel Dreadnaught New Hope was stationed above the planet. Alarmed, he launched an assault of TIEs against it from a distance, hiding the location of the damaged Star Destroyer from the thick-plated Dreadnaught. That was until a HWK-290 and an X-wing happened to exit hyperspace near their position and pushed through the defensive screen of escorts around the Star Destroyer.

The continuous misfortunes made him feel abandoned by his gods, and to this was added the fact that the Dreadnaught started moving against them. He promptly executed the XO who was too busy with the starfighter combat to monitor the ship, and notifying him in time. It was then when he noticed on the holo that the two ships reached the innermost position among their defenses, in order to dissuade the ships from firing at each other. Trico ordered to destroy them but, warned by the , he ordered instead to break formation; another bad decision. His psychology did not improve seeing that officer failing to destroy the two ships, nor when he affirmed that the Dreadnaught was preparing to engage. Once it was in range, Trico ordered full powers to the forward laser cannons, and rejected the officer's suggestion to regroup or retreat --which meant abandoning the TIE pilots. His move to execute the officer, was interrupted by the coming of the Millennium Falcon and three squadrons of starfighters.

His subordinates stood and fought for three hours, under the threat that he would shoot the first to abandon their post. He insisted in fighting a desperate situation, seeing the hull of his ship breached and losing half of her laser batteries. The last thing he screamed was the names of his gods, when the weapons-control officer shot him in the head. He was certain that Trico's eccentric behavior had been recorded by the computers.

Personality and traits

He was an extremely muscular man of one and half , being a settler of a high-gravity world.

He was one of the more competent officers of the Imperial Navy, valued discipline and was notoriously harsh. As sometimes happened in the Navy, he did not hesitate to shoot his subordinates if they had failed him. Even if he took wrong decisions, his crew would not dare to show insubordination. Despite his harshness he was conscious about the lives of the TIE pilots, knowing that retreat meant death and capture for them.

Trico was a resilient follower of an ancestral polytheistic religion who always wore a religious amulet underneath his uniform. In difficult situations he felt that his gods were ungrateful for the years he had been worshipping them.

Behind the scenes

In the audio adaptation of Dark Forces: Jedi Knight, he was voiced by John Wehrmann.



