Project Icefang

Project Icefang was a project in which Rothana Heavy Engineering, a subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards, designed and produced Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship for the Galactic Republic's Clone Army in total secrecy, in 31 BBY.

Project Icefang was mentioned in a ""Peace" à la Tarkin – The Imperial Fleet on a mission of terror", a Database entry for the ninety-third issue of the Star Wars - The Official Magazine, which was written by members of the Star Wars fan-created online encyclopedia Jedipedia. The issue was published by Panini Verlag on March 21, 2019.

Behind the scenes

Project Icefang was mentioned in a ""Peace" à la Tarkin – The Imperial Fleet on a mission of terror", a Database entry for the ninety-third issue of the Star Wars - The Official Magazine, which was written by members of the Star Wars fan-created online encyclopedia Jedipedia. The issue was published by Panini Verlag on March 21, 2019.

