Prishella III


Prishella III was a terrestrial planet that occupied the third orbital position in the Prishella system, a part of the Kessel sector in the Slice portion of the Outer Rim Territories. It was situated on the hyperlane known as the Pabol Sleheyron, which connected it to the Formos and Little Kessel systems.

The planet's climate featured weather fronts that occasionally brought in rainfall and thunderstorms. Prishella III shared its name with the slicer known by the alias "Prishella" as well as the privateer starship The Prishellan Dawn.

Plans for a kidnapping

The Rebel Alliance carried out a mission on Prishella III, in the Prishella system.

The Rebel Alliance carried out a mission on Prishella III, in the Prishella system.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance assigned a Special Forces team on a mission to kidnap the Galactic Empire general Evar Orllincus while he was in the middle of an inspection tour of the Imperial garrisons on Prishella III. The team subsequently researched the general's travel itinerary and projected transit route, as well as relevant local conditions and security arrangements. The Alliance suggested the agents utilize a specific location, located roughly midway between two of Prishella III's garrisons, for kidnapping Orllincus, although the team also identified an additional site for a potential ambush on the general.

Subsequently, while the Special Forces team was preparing for its mission and waiting for its insertion starship to launch, the NightWhispers, an elite platoon of Imperial storm commandos, landed on Prishella III—unbeknownst to the Alliance Intelligence—and engaged in practice maneuvers throughout the planet's countryside. An undetected weather front also moved toward the area where the Rebel mission was to take place, causing severe rainfall and storms.

The mission

Six hours after their mission briefing, the Special Forces agents were transported to Prishella III, where, in order to avoid detection by the Imperial forces on the planet, they were inserted via high-altitude unpowered para-wing glider drop, which was complicated by the unexpectedly bad weather. The team landed, gathered its equipment, and regrouped, after which the Rebels made a rapid yet stealthy advance toward the ambush site, which was situated north of their position. At the same time, the storm commandos were on maneuvers north of the team and were moving southward on a trajectory intersecting that of the Rebels. The Alliance agents then faced a choice of either attacking the commandos or moving away from the target area in order to avoid contact with them.

The Special Forces team moved into position to ambush Orllincus three hours after its insertion on the planet. Successfully executing the kidnapping, the agents then withdrew to their prearranged extraction point, where they awaited the arrival of a combat shuttle and air support, with bad weather delaying the extraction.


Prishella III was the site of several garrisons of the Galactic Empire. The planet also featured areas of countryside.

Behind the scenes

Prishella III was introduced in the 1997 sourcebook Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook, which was authored by Timothy S. O'Brien for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the book, the planet was mentioned in two examples in a section on the different ways gamemaster players could run Alliance Special Forces missions in their games. This article assumes the adventure scenario given in those examples plays out as described. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Prishella system, and therefore Prishella III, in grid square T-10.


  • Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook
